My mother and I always play the same game in restaurants. After tasting our own (and each other's) food, we start listing ingredients. Most of the time, there is a culinary discovery to be made, or at least some epicurean debate to be had. The most intriguing sessions of our game do not usually involve an extravagantly long list of ingredients. Rather, simple dishes that have slightly different flavours to what we have previously eaten usually provoke more entertaining discussion.
The obvious presence of some secret ingredient or the apparent use of some unknown technique is what really makes our game truly enjoyable. Our game has led us to provoke innocent chefs and bewilder (both hapless and helpful) waiters through tireless interrogation. In pondering the possibilities, nutmeg and anchovies are two of our usual suspects. Of all ingredients, the individual flavour of nutmeg or anchovy is often indiscernible, yet the depth that each adds to a dish often makes all the difference.
This blog is an extension of the game that my mother and I play. It is dedicated to culinary inquiry: the discovery of other nutmegs and anchovies. It is a record of my kitchen experiments, produce encounters, restaurant discoveries, pantry-gadget curiosities, bookshelf meals and all other food-related pleasures.
I live with my partner in a small flat in Edinburgh. I have a very small kitchen, an even smaller window box of herbs and an ever-expanding collection of recipe books.
I think about food a lot. At breakfast, I plan what I will eat for lunch. During lunch, I plan what I will cook for dinner. Over dinner, I talk about what I might have for breakfast. I write restaurant review emails to my friends and pester my mother (in Australia) with recipe requests.
I started this blog in 2005 whilst studying for a Masters degree. My thesis took over and the blog only lasted for about three months. I recently started writing again and hope that my typing will keep up with my mouth.